MatPlotLib - Python for Data Science
Matplotlib, Python, Data Science, Data Visualization
Matplotlib is a python data visualization library build on top of Numpy array. It is a 2D and 3D graphic library for generating scientific graphs. It is very easy for plotting any kind of graphs, customizable texts and labels, High quality outputs in many formats. Graphs can be applied on top of List, Numpy arrays, tuples, Dicts, Pandas columns. We can use any of below 3 methods to generate the graph.
- plt.plot() -->Basic generating block in matplotlib, takes axis values and generate Graphs accordingly.
- plt.figure() -->with figure() we can work with objects. We can apply functions and actions to those objects. Figure is like Excel workbook. Axes is like single sheet in excel workbook.
- plt.subplots() -->Used to generate multiple plots in single figure. Arguments: nrows, ncols, and index.
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